Monday, July 14, 2008

HELLO AGAIN! I forgot my password and all that stuff and had to start all over! This time I saved all the bloggin info in a special place. Hopefully I will remember this "special place" if I need to so that I won't have to do this again. If I do, just go to Rachel's blog, and read what we are doing! She does a much better job than I do anyway. Enjoy (hopefully)....


Anonymous said...

Hooray!!! This looks great mom! You're soo funny!! Jackson's are officially in the bloggin' world - WATCH OUT! Before you know it you're blog is going to put all of ours to shame because you are soo creative - I have no doubt! See ya Saturday- whoop whoop!

Shellee said...

YAY Diane! This way I won't feel so out of the loop.