Saturday, September 12, 2009

Chris Derrick George and Susan Jackson Buffington

Okay, so the first day I started working at Primary Children's Behavioral Health, I met Chris. She looked awfully familiar, but we didn't seem to connect where we knew each other. I asked where she went to high school, Highland, but she graduated before me. Finally, I asked where she grew up! DOWN the street from me! Chris looks exactly like her mother that we all loved and adored. I think Chris' mom was everyone's Grandma in the ward! Then I tell her that I married Bruce Jackson from the ward! And...come to find out Susan and Chris were friends in high school and then thru their single years (Chris helped with Susan's wedding) and Chris, don't be mad at me, but it is cute... Chris had a crush on James (Bruce's brother) in high school! Isn't that a riot??

Finally this year we all got together and had dinner. What a small world! It was so much fun. Chris, since, has moved up and works at IMC and so we only get together thru emails! Thank goodness for emails and blogs! Anyway...again it was fun. I miss Chris, especially in the early mornings - Chris started work at 6:30 a.m. and I at 7 a.m. and so we would have a little bit of time before the rest of the gang came in or patients to visit and catch up!

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